The project goal is to improve the perception of Chianti wine: it's an important Italian wine which is usually underestimated by consumers. The focus is to change the bad stereotype and shift the way it's perceived, highlighting its elegance and refinement; so, the flask actual shape fits to be hybridized with a decanter's format.
The rounded bottom allows the bottle rotation and the shape reminds a decanter, joining the flask of Chianti at the wine tasting experience-quality. Also, before the consumption moment the packaging allows the natural areation.
The bottles are pakaged in a 6 pieces cardboard secondary pack with an interlocking base that keeps the bottle tilted that becomes Exhibitor inclined bottles.
Project developed and selected for the international student competition "Remarkable Packagings & Alternatives" within the "Emballage" packaging exhibition (Paris, November 19-22, 2012).