The linguistic and expressive contaminations among genres and sectors are a widespread communication practice, which involve also the consumption products. In a continuous interplay of mixing connottative, evocative and seductive elements, more and more often we face shower gel packs resembling juices, milk or yoghurt drinks. There is an ambiguous association of iconic elements, graphic treatments and colors to different several product categories and the recognition and the identification of each product, as determined by its relation of meaning that is created between subject and method of representation, is faltering.
In this context the aim of the project "informazioni per tutti" (information for all) is rethinking the overall communication system of the packaging of consumption products. The proposed solution is a system of labelling where a predefined communication area on the packaging surface is dedicated to clear recognition and identification of each product, ensuring maximum understanding of minimum essential information. Information are organized according to a principle of communication effectiveness, governed by rules of composition focusing on the readability of the character, its optimal size, the appropriateness and synthesis.
V. Bucchetti, Packaging contro.verso, Edizioni Dativo, Milano 2009.